Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Last week, after fighting cancer for 5 years, my father-in-law, Matt, passed away. It has been a really trying and emotional week for us, especially Mike and his mom, of course. Matt had gotten considerably worse in the last month or so and so we knew that this was coming. i had the rare opportunity of holding my husband's hand as he watched his father take his last breath here on this earth. what a rare and special opportunity it was. i vividly remember, in that moment, feeling more peace then i've ever felt before. it was almost as if you could feel the joyful reunion that was happening at that moment just on the other side of the veil. i have been overwhelmed at the strength of mike and his mom at this time. they don't need me reassuring them that this is not the end...they don't need me telling them that this is just a temporary separation...they KNOW IT. They testify of that both in the words and in their actions. I truly feel as though the Lord has wrapped his arms around all of us and is carrying us through this. This of course in no way means that we are not extremely sad and at times heartbroken. Mike and i have had several conversations about the fact that mourning the loss of a loved one is not only ok, but it's good. it's part of the process. when Lazarus died, Christ wrapped his arms around Lazarus's sisters and wept with them...he mourned with them. i cannot imagine living my life without the knowledge that we are so blessed to have. the knowledge that families are eternal. the knowledge that when mike and glenda knelt at that alter with Matt in May of this year and were sealed to him...they weren't just going through actions and saying words...they literally were binding themselves to eachother. they have eachother forever. I am so grateful for the knowledge that we have. I just wanted to use this opportunity to pay respects to Matt as well as to honor him for the man and father he was. i may not have known him long, but to truly know him, all you have to do is look at the man that my husband is. he is not the man he is by coincidence...he is the man he is because of his father. Matt will be missed, but whenever we need him near, i know that the Lord will allow him to be felt.


Jessie Lewis said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your family's loss. Death is tough, but it seems you all have lots of comfort and understanding which is essential. I'm glad Mike has you to lean on right now; you're a solid support.

Randy Wardwell said...

Thanks so much for this, Jodi and Mike. So proud of you both, and so grateful for your gospel roots and testimonies. It is real!!!

Love you, Dad

Michelle said...

Love you guys!

Chris & Courtney said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Your tribute to Matt was beautiful and your testimony was very tender. Thank you for sharing! I was very touched.