Sunday, December 7, 2008

Does he actually listen?

Mike is the type of personality that he feels like he needs to be doing something at all times...he's rarely able to relax or take a nap (unlike, Since the snow has yet to fall out here and he's not in school until January, he's had some time on his hands. The other day he was fidgeting and i could tell he was getting antsie (no idea how to spell that) and so i said (completely joking of course), "Mike, if you're bored i have a lot of things you could do" "Like what?" "Well, the bathrooms really need to be cleaned"...and then that was the end of that conversation. Lo and behold, however an hour later i found him like this:

Guess he was REALLY bored!


Trent and Rhonda Wardwell said...

What a great guy! Enjoy it while you can...sounds like he's going to be busy come January.

davidcarriebrownfam said...

I need him to come to my house next!