Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Last night my Grandma Wardwell passed away.  It's been a few years since she was really "there" so this was actually a blessing that she was finally able to pass on and receive relief from her frail body.  My gma was absolutely amazing.  Her first husband (my dad's biological father) was an abusive drunk and ran out on her leaving her with 6 children to care for.  It was during this time that my dad remembers kneeling down with his mom and siblings and listening to her pray and plead with the Lord for help.  Lo and behold, the missionaries came and knocked on their door and they were baptized into the gospel.  Because of my grandma, i have the gospel in my life.  Because of my grandma, I have a family that I am sealed to forever.  She started a legacy of strong, faithful members of the LDS faith.  As a grandma, she was exceptional.  My mind is filled with memories of her.  I spent a good part of my childhood within a couple hours drive from their home and so I got to spend a lot of time with them.  Some of my earliest memories are of her marching us all around her house in a straight line while she sang "hi ho hi ho it's off to bed we go".  She would march us all up to bed and she made it so fun.  She would always sing to us and her voice was amazing. She made her profession as a singer while my grandpa would play the piano for her.  I spent a few weeks during many of my summers staying with them.  Troy and I would always play catch in the backyard of their condo and we'd always hide under the stairs that led down to their door.  As soon as i would get to her home she would lead me straight to the boxes of legos that she kept under a bed because she knew how much i loved legos.  We would race to her bedroom closet because it was there that she kept a track on the wall of our height progression.  We were always anxious to see how much we'd grown since the last time we'd been there.  She loved Wendy's and would always take us there.  She always made our trips fun and i remember countless games of bowling, trips to the arcade, and the cincinnati zoo and museums.  there were numerous games of mickey mouse yatzee, life, and memory while sipping on their favorite, diet rite.  and, there was not one birthday when i didn't receive a card with the dollar amount of my new age inside. i recognized her handwriting on every envelope and would rip it open anxious to get the dollars. she was amazing. she was everything that a grandma could be.  sorry to rant on...this post is more for me. i love you grandma. do you remember when i wanted to try a something new and so i went through a phase where i called you grams?  well, grams...i'm so glad that you are now with your Savior.  I know how much He must have welcomed your return.  thank you thank you thank you. thank you for the memories, thank you for your example and thank you for your legacy.  my children will grow up knowing how much you meant to me. i love you forever.


Val said...

I think this post is sweet. Your grandma sounds like an amazing lady.

Stacey DeMille Wardwell said...

This is beautiful Jodi - thank you.

Randy Wardwell said...

Jodi, this really touched me. I had no idea that you had that many choice, clear memories.

You are really a remarkably sensitive and wonderful young woman.
