Monday, March 8, 2010

Valentine's Day

I realize this post is late, but i just wanted to show off what my thoughtful husband did for me this year. We had a budget of $5 each since we are absolutely BROKE and so he got very creative and made me a candy sign. the best part is that he apologized that he couldn't do more and it is probably one of my favorite gifts he's ever given me...ATTN MEN,,,,it really is the THOUGHT that counts! Love you, mikey!

A Symphony sings in my head when i see you and you light (it was an actual flashing bulb) up my life. You are my golden nugget and my lifesavor. I am looking forward to S'More years with you. thanks for stix 'n with me. (so cute)

1 comment:

Trent and Rhonda Wardwell said...

You're lucky I don't live nearby, that symphony bar would have never made it to your hands... very cute! More men need to hear your words...